At the goods station, parallel to the warehouses, were tracks used for direct mass trans-shipment (lime, coal, bricks) from carriages to horsecars. A gate hoist, built over one of the tracks, was used to transport big or heavy wares. Parallel to it, about 20 metres further, was a 98m by 10m grain warehouse. (Noted by A. Paszke)
“It was a canopy with brick underpinning and a wooden deck. The pitched roof was covered with asphalt board. Commercial buildings on the station also consisted of two forward-sideward loading docks with a ramp used for freight hauling, and an animal pen, both built where the Okopowa and Kolejowa street met. West of the objects, buildings for administration and railroad workers were situated. They consisted of a household for railroad workers whose job focused around the circular railway. It was located on Kolejowa street.” (E. Leszczyńska op. cit. w przyp. 1).